If a trading strategy is so great, why would you ever sell it?
12 comments on article "If a trading strategy is so great, why would you ever sell it?"

 Roderick Casilli, COO, Head of Product Development

 Thursday, February 1, 2018

If you create a good trading strategy, why let other people use it for a modest amount of money, rather than keeping it all to yourself? Actually, there are several reasons.

 Charles Tanti B. Sc.(Eng)

ALGO Trading Systems Developer at Advanced Trading Systems Inc.

 Saturday, February 10, 2018

The ATS-ZB32 is not for sale. Only for lease to a very limited
number of customers. www.ats-zb32.com


 Larry Jacobs, Editor at Traders World Magazine and Traders World Online Expo

 Saturday, February 10, 2018

A few people know where the market is going. They don't sell their system. Why should they.


 Valerii Salov, Director, Quant Risk Management at CME Group

 Saturday, February 10, 2018

This is 2/2. Sometimes a seller of trading rules says that, if the buyer will not profit, then money will be returned. Let us assume that there is an option, a contingent claim, paying money, if some event occurs. But it has no premium - option price is zero. Many will want this winning machine. The seller of the rules is a getter of such an option. Even, if the seller is awarded by part of made profits his position is secure. Another matter, if the seller of rules would also share losses caused by the rules application. The seller of rules may say that there is research cost. The question is whether this cost is comparable with potential losses following the rules. Best Regards, Valerii


 Tom Kadala, FOREX Algorithm Engineer

 Saturday, February 10, 2018

I've been asked the same question with my RagingFX.com algo. Here’s what I did.

When I set out to write the code for my algo in London about three years ago, I realized that by selling my signals to subscribers I would have to be accountable to others for both my performance and service. Without that daily pressure, I would have cut corners or not thought through specific issues the same way.

The results speak for themselves and now I have a much better product than I could have accomplished otherwise. The service has evolved. I've included a kick-ass online FX training course that does it right, at least in my opinion. Even the effort that went into designing the course improved my own trading discipline and outlook. I'm also writing a weekly newsletter and articles on LinkedIn to remind me of the many pitfalls and bad habits that one can revert to with FX trading. I also enjoy meeting and chatting with a lot of cool people. So, yea, sharing your success can help a lot.


 Marc Verleysen, founder at TSA-Europe -systematic trading and money management

 Sunday, February 11, 2018

sometimes, developers of strategies do not have access to sufficient capital to create a track record. By selling their signals (not the IP) to one or more "early adopters", they can more quickly earn street credibility and raise enough capital to take it off the market and trade quietly on their own from that point onwards.


 Richard Goers, Senior Risk Adviser KVB Kunlun Group

 Sunday, February 11, 2018

There is also the leverage effect - certain business models allow you to receive rebates on trader turnover - so if your trading system-platform -signal brings active traders to a broker you have XXX number of traders trading on the signals and you receive riskless money greater than you trading alone - plus subscription fees

Also your interests with the traders using your signals is aligned with them making money or being successful


 Patrick Rooney, Product Marketing Manager at Trading Technologies

 Monday, February 12, 2018

A means of attaining more leverage while reducing risk is a very compelling statement.


 Nadir Olgacay, Advisor / Consultant- Africa

 Saturday, February 17, 2018

Trading strategy is to sell the “trading strategy “


 Justin Orwin, Founder ChartSmart Trading.

 Saturday, April 28, 2018

Great article Rod, reduced risk, increased leverage and a stable income stream in an otherwise unstable environment. It's a win / win for all involved.

Source: https://www.atassn.com/RSS/TabId/861/ArtMID/3120/ArticleID/371135/article.aspx