Advanced Trading Systems Inc.
Was started in 1996
"ATS" is a developer of Long Term ALGO Trading Systems.
The first system was ATS-3200 in 1992.
The ATS-3200 always in the Top-Ten.
I started trading the ATS-3200 in 1993.
I made 85% in the first 6 months.
In 2017 I started working to improve the ATS-3200.
When the performance increased by more than 100%, I decided to make the new ATS-3200
into a separate new system, and called it the ATS-ZB32.
I also started working on a function(which I had in mind since 1994) to monitor the system
while it is trading to make sure the system was always trading in the direction of the market.
The TREND Function checks the direction of the market during trading.
If a trade starts losing money and the market is moving in the wrong direction
TREND takes the system out of the market with a small loss and reverses the position.
The REVERSE Function of TREND turns Losing Trades into Profitable Trades.
Making the ATS-ZB32 almost Perfect.
Developer: Charles J. Tanti B.Sc.(Eng)
The ATS Story: How the ATS-3200 was born.
Always in Futures Truth Top-Ten Tables.
Testimonials from Customers of the "ATS" systems.
Credentials: Interviews about the "ATS" systems.
The ATS-ZB32 was developed on the strength of the ATS-3200.
The Psychology of a successful Trader.
Simulations of Trading Profits